Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Working Well with PR!

  • 2


    • Organize Your Materials

    • Shared Folder for Photos and Logos

    • Make It Easy & Do It NOW!

    • Folder for Your Partners in the Trade

    • Online Resources

    • Meditate: What You Can do That Others Can Not

    • Your Story: Keywords

  • 3


    • How Writers Work

    • How Publications Work

    • 10 BIG DOs & DON'Ts

    • Making the Most of Your Relationship with Small Brand PR

    • Your Story: Key People

    • Set Up Your PR Calendar

    • Learning the Hero's Journey

  • 4


    • Find Your Key Authors & Publications

    • Cultivate a Relationship

    • Maintaining Relationships Over Time

    • Your Story: What is Singular About Your Work?

  • 5

    Integration Week #1

    • Video

    • Schedule Your "Ask Maggie Anything" AMA Call

  • 6

    Nuts & Bolts

    • How to Write a KILLER Press Releases

    • How to Pitch A Story

    • Your Story: Getting Attention in Two Minutes

    • Schedule A Review, The Art of the Follow Up

  • 7

    Key Touch-Points in PR

    • Making an Impact... with No/Low Budget

    • Damage Control, How to Apologize

    • Hold to Your Boundaries

  • 8


    • Red Flags

    • Get Paid to Market Your Brand

    • Building A Great Seminar

    • Writing the Proposal

    • Meaningful Networking

  • 9

    Integration Week #2

    • Summary of Week 5 - now